
Measurements: 20g coffee: 300g water ( 10.5 oz)
Grind: Medium – Coarse
Filter: Chemex Filters
1. Bring enough water to just below a boil (~200° F / ~93° C ) in order to brew the coffee and pre-heat the Chemex.
2. Weight out 20 grams of coffee and grind it medium.
3. Pour hot water generously around the paper filter, eliminating any paper taste and pre-heating the Chemex, then throw the water out – you only want brewed coffee in your final drink.
4. Pour just enough water to saturate the grounds evenly (about 40 grams) and rest for 30 seconds or however long it takes for the bloom to discontinue.
5. Start timer immediately for a 4 minute steep.
6. Pour the remaining water continuously and evenly onto the grounds and in a circular fashion, moving inward and outward within the circle to push the grounds toward the walls. The coffee level should rise just above the grounds.
7. Be careful not to pour the water directly on to the filter at any point and try to maintain a constant volume of water throughout the entire process.
8. After the coffee has drained into the Chemex, typically around 4 minutes, you should be able to see consistent walls of grounds with an even bed toward the bottom of the filter.
9. Trash the filter and grounds.
10. Pour, enjoy.
1. Many brewers prefer a coarse grind. Rely on your taste buds to tell you what’s right.
2. Pouring the final 20 grams of water directly in the center may improve final extraction and walls.
Common Problems:
1. If your walls are constantly too thin or inconsistent in size, try limiting your pour to the center of the cone.
2. Don’t leave the filter sitting on top of the decanter for long after brewing. The drops of water that get stuck in the grounds will find their way to the cup eventually and be way over-extracted.